Garden Border & Kudos Home Depot!

So getting the early spring itch in February can turn out to be helpful and not completely destructive. Destructive as in planting all my plants on the first 70 degree day in February thinking Spring is here and then it hitting low 20's the next week....whoops. I just want spring here so bad! Anyhow the constructiveness that came out of it was my new garden border. I'm a stay at home mom so my husband is at work all day and I take care of our 7 month old. Well, with spring itch in mind I went to home depot by myself dead set on getting the lumber I needed while toting a 7 month old. Hmm... I don't think this plan was thought through. The Home Depot employees were amazing! I had a gentleman help me pull all the lumber I needed and then cut them to the size I required. After I checked out they helped me load them in my 2 door Camry including the 13' long piece which hung out the back of the trunk with a little Home Depot Flag on it! Kudos Home Depot on customer service!

 I used 2"x8" boards of different lengths because my yard is at such a slope I knew I would have to bury a good deal of the board for it to be level. We are on a budget so I knew I wouldn't be able to buy enough to stack them on top of each for a boxed in level look. I painted them with primer included paint because I also was cheap and did not buy the treated wood, but the black paint matches my shutters so well...I would have done it anyhow. So, this was a good way to save a little dough.

Here is my front left garden. I also bought a 4"x4"x8' board and had it cut into 1' sections which I proceeded to add 5 dollar solar LED post caps (from home depot) to each piece. The post caps would not fit on the 4x4 until I used a wood grater and shaved a considerable amount off the top corners and sides of the posts. Yuck. In the future for time sake I might go for a smaller post and use longer screws. Then I dug holes along the border where I desired them and nailed them in place.

Part of my yard ended up being so steep when I started to try and make the border level I realized I would have to put one end of the board completely under ground, that would look horrible! So, I propped one end of the board with bricks that I painted the same color and that way the other end would not be buried out of sight.

 This is the front right side garden
 This is a picture of the solar lamps lit up at night. So Pretty : )
 This is my Blueberry Garden bordered in with the same wood. I can't wait to plant my new TopHat Dwarf Blueberry bushes coming in from Burpee in the next couple of weeks! There is already one EarlyBlue Blueberry bush planted in this garden.
This is my raspberry garden that my husband and I bricked in a couple Saturdays ago. We did not use mortar. We just used a leveling tool and kept the bricks completely level and made sure not to stack them too high. So far its been great and sturdy! We love it! I have 5 Caroline Raspberry plants and 5 Polana Raspberry plants coming from Burpee and 1 Latham Raspberry that I have in a pot inside that will be planted in this garden. There are 2 Raspberries in this garden already from last year. They are the only ones that survived the dog digging in my garden.That's the beauty of a garden.... It's WAR! War against birds, bugs, weather, disease and your own beloved dog. : )

 It is now July 2013 and our raspberries are in producing berries! YUM!
 Here is the strawberry garden beside the house
Above is the blueberry garden : )

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